From London UK to a Remote Island in the Pacific Northwest

and small towns in between​

Melissa Horrell tackles living on Vancouver Island, off the West Coast of Canada.

Discovering visually spectacular scenery, epic trails, a vibrant community of ex-pats, naturally and ethically sourced clothing, some charming eateries, and Canada's Pacific Flyway.​​


Melissa Horrell is an explorer, creative entrepreneur, and anthroplogist, driven by curiosity and a love for learning about other cultures. She has felt comfortable plane-hopping since she can remember, making friendly conversation as she goes.

She loves being transported and transformed by an environment, always seeking unique places to stay, often finding hotels with architectural and design elements that are fun and playful. As a sensual eater she gravitates to fine cuisine and colourful cocktails.

And what would travel be without the excitement of choosing what to pack? Look out for style and packing tips.

 Her travel tips are centered around local wisdom, hotels and restaurants, but of course, to build up an appetite adventures must be had so she’ll discover local trails, challenging hikes, and other outdoor adventures.

But there are many downsides to travel as well. One of the hardest parts of moving around is re-building, so look out for tips on relocating for ex-pats and travellers alike.

She likes to keep her tips brief, bright, and to the point so if your looking for simple, clear directions, look no further.


Melissa is a strong advocate for travel, wellness, and mental health. She loves to share travel stories, travel tips, and encourages women to take the leap of faith to travel alone if they are called to do so.

When she was travelling through India in her 20s, she met a lady in her 50s who had never travelled alone before but had taken the leap of faith at 50, after a divorce, and she shared that it was the best things she had ever done, deeply transformational and rewarding.

As Melissa enters her 50s, she continues to lead the way in intrepid female travel and exploration, as she tackles life on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest. 

One of her most recent discovery includes this random fact:

Vancouver Island, nestled in the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest, serves as a vital waypoint along the Pacific Flyway. This migratory route spans from the Arctic tundra to the southernmost reaches of South America, encompassing a vast network of coastal habitats, wetlands, and forests where millions of birds journey annually. Among these migratory pathways, Vancouver Island holds a unique allure, offering critical stopover points and wintering grounds for numerous bird species.

Melissa reckons that watching the birds fly through is an inspiration for anyone wanting to travel, these little guys fly thousands of miles and rebuild their homes rapidly, they have things to teach us!



Melissa's Latest Travel Tips

And Other Blog Posts​